

Carding in Spinning Process

Carding is also known as the heart of spinning in the textile manufacturing process. Carding is the second process conducted in spinning after blow room followed by drawing, combining, roving, and cone winding in the textile manufacturing process. In the spinning process, carding cracks up the locks and the unorganized clumps that are present in the fiber. This is performed to make the fibers parallel to each other. 

Fiber Carding Machine contains a single big roller, which is covered by a small roller surrounded by small spikes. Overall, the carding process decreases the blend to fiber mesh and removes impurities. Carding plays a significant role in spinning cycles, especially in woolen spinning cycles incorporating multiple functions.

There are many types of carders among which the simplest carder is the dum carder. It lines up the fibers by bringing up the thread. The attachment of drums to the soft-bristled brush makes sure that fibers are straightened to the condensed fibers. Cottage carding machines are different from these drum fibers. They do not store the fiber in card cloth instead; it is worked with another process by different machines.

The process of carding does point to willowing i.e. where dust is removed, where fibers are loosened, carding-untangling the yarn which is tangled followed by the last step of drawing-process of quality improvement in the spinning mill. 

Also Read:- Functions of Carding Fiber Machine

Carding opens the biers into independent and single fibers. The process of Blowroom prepares the flocks of fibers from the raw material; whereas, carding divides fiber in individual fibers. If this particular process gives genuine result, further process also works in required polished manner.

Carding process is the chief process defining the finalized product and quality of yarn. The outcome of carding and investing machines and maintaining it properly is magnificent. It is considered one of the high-ranking tools to produce good quality yarn.

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